職稱: 副教授
最高學歷: 國立清華大學電子工程研究所博士
學術專長: 光電積體電路、光電半導體元件、光電半導體元件物理與製程、光電子學、光纖通訊系統、固態電子元件、半導體材料電性光性化性量測與分析
分機: 23369



1. Session Chairperson @2018 International Conference on "Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and their Applications" (PHENMA 2018) Busan, Korea.

2. Scientific Program Committee @2018 International Conference on "Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and their Applications" (PHENMA 2018) Busan, Korea.

3. Scientific Program Committee @2017 International Conference on "Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and their Applications" (PHENMA 2017) Jabalpur, India.

4. Scientific Program Committee @2016 International Conference on "Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and their Applications" (PHENMA 2016) Surabaya, Indonesia.

5. Scientific Program Committee @2015 International Conference on "Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and their Applications" (PHENMA 2015) Azov, Russia.

6. 2015 國立高雄應用科技大學電子、信號與通訊創新科技研討會評審委員

7. Scientific Program Committee @2014 International Conference on "Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and their Applications" (PHENMA 2014) Khon Kaen, Thailan.

8. Scientific Program Committee @2013 International Conference on "Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and their Applications" (PHENMA 2013) Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

9. 2012 年義守大學第五屆電子工程技術研討會-議程主持人


Referred International Journal Papers

1. P.-H. Lei, C.-D. Yang, Y.-S. Yang, J.-H. Lin, ” Preparation of a Periodic Polystyrene Nanosphere Array Using the Dip-Drop Method with Post-deposition Etching and Its Application of Improving Light Extraction Efficiency of InGaN/GaN LEDs”, Nanoscale Res. Lett., vol. 13(1), pp.180, Dec. 2018, Published online: Jun. 2018 (I.F. 3.125) (Grant No. MOST 103-2221-E-150-033-MY2) (SCI)

2. Y.-H. Yeh, C. D. Yang, C.-Y. Lee*, Y.-C. Tseng, and J.-D. Tsai, “Performance enhancement of InGaN LEDs with Al-graded GaN/AlGaN multiple electron-blocking layers”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 56, 062102, Jun. 2017. (I.F. 1.452) (Grant No. MOST105-2923-E-022-001) (SCI)

3. K.-F. Lu, T.-K. Lin, J.-K. Liou, C. D. Yang, C.-Y. Lee*, J.-D. Tsai, “Effect of p-GaN layer grown with H2 carrier gas on wall-plug efficiency of high-power LEDs”, Solid-State Electron., vol. 132, pp. 86-90, Jun. 2017. (I.F. 1.666) (Grant No. MOST105-2923-E-022-001) (SCI)

4. M.-Y. Yeh, P.-H. Lei, S.-H. Lin, C.-D. Yang, “Copper-Zinc-Tin-Sulfur Thin Film Using Spin-Coating Technology”, Mater., vol. 9, pp. 526, Jun. 2016. (I.F. 2.476) (Grant No. MOST 101-2622-E-150-013-CC3)

5. J. D. Chen*, I. T. Wu, C. T. Lee, R. S. Chen, C. D. Yang, "Robust Output Observer-Based Control of Neutral Uncertain Systems with Discrete and Distributed Time Delays", Chapter 4, Control and Automation Technology, Mechatronics, Robotics for Manufacture and Industry, Applied Mechanics and Materials, vols. 764-765, pp. 629-633, May. 2015. (EI) (ISSN:1662-7482)

6. M.-Y. Yeh*, Y.-F. Huang, C.-L. Huang, C. D. Yang, D.-S. Wuu, P.-H. Lei, “Metal chloride precursor synthesization of Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cell materials”, J. Korean Phys. Soc., vol. 65, Iss. 2, pp 196-199, Jul. 2014. (I.F. 0.493) (NSC101-2221-E-507-002) (NSC 99-2221-E-022 -005; NSC 101-2221-E-022- 008; National Kaohsiung Marine University RND-98-012) (SCI)

7. C.-H. Lien, J.-D. Chen*, C.-T. Lee, R.-S. Chen, C. D. Yang, “Robust exponential H-infinity control of uncertain discrete-time systems with interval-like time-varying delay”, ICIC Express Letters, vol. 5, iss. 2, pp. 333-339, Apr. 2014. (EI) (NSC 100-2221-E-507-001 and NSC 101-2221-E-507-002)

8. J.-D. Chen*, C.-H. Lien, K.-W. Yu, C.-T. Lee, R.-S. Chen, C. D. Yang, ”Robust exponential stability for uncertain discrete time switched systems with interval time-varying delay via a switching signal”, Chapter 10: Computer and Information Technologies, Applied Mechanics and Materials, vols. 479-480, pp 983-988, Feb. 2014. (EI) (NSC 100-2221-E-507-001.)

9. C. H. Lien, J.-D. Chen*, C.-T. Lee, R.-S. Chen and C. D. Yang, ” Robust H1 filter design for discrete-time switched systems with interval time-varying delay and linear fractional perturbations: LMI optimization approach”, Appl. Math. Comput., vol. 219, Iss. 24, pp. 11395-11407, Aug. 2013. (I.F. 1.551) (NSC101-2221-E-507-002)

10. C. D. Yang* and P. H. Lei, ”Lateral Power-Monitoring Photodiode Monolithically Integrated into 1.3 μm GaInAsP Laser”, Solid-State Electron., vol. 67, Iss. 1, pp. 63-69, Jan. 2012. (I.F. 1.504) (NSC95-2221-E-022-009) ( SCI. PHYSICS, APPLIED 69/79) Times Cited: 2 2/0

11. C. D. Yang* and C. N. Chen, ”Effects of InP Crystallographic Slope with Light-Input Tapered SiOx Facet on InGaAsP-InGaAs-InP Waveguide Photodetectors”, Opt. Commun., vol. 283, Iss. 24, pp. 5033-5039, Dec. 2010. (NSC95-2221-E-022-009) (I.F. 1.449) (SCI. OPTICS 26/71) Times Cited: 0

12. C. D. Yang* , P. H. Lei, and M. C. Wu, “Light-Input Tapered SiOx Facet with InP Crystallographic Slope for InGaAsP-InGaAs-InP Waveguide Photodetectors”, J. Electrochem. Soc., vol. 157, Iss. 10, pp. H924-H929, Oct. 2010. (I.F. 3.266) (NSC 97-2221-E-022 -003) (SCI. MATERIALS SCIENCE, COATINGS & FILMS 1/17) Times Cited: 0

13. P. H. Lei* and C. D. Yang, “Growth of SiO2 on InP substrate by Liquid Phase Deposition”, Appl. Surf. Sci., vol. 256, Iss. 12, pp. 3757-3760, Apr. 2010. (I.F. 2.711) (NSC96-2622-E-150-CC3) (SCI.MATERIALS SCIENCE, COATINGS & FILMS 6/17) Times Cited: 0

14. J. D. Chen*, C. D. Yang, K. J. Lin and C. H. Lien, “Robust control for a class of uncertain neutral systems with both state and control input time-varying delays via a unified LMI optimization approach”, Control and Cybern., vol. 37, no. 3, pp 517-530, 2008. (I. F. 0.378) (NSC 96-2221-E-507-003) (SCI. AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS 47/59) Times Cited: 0

15. J. D. Chen*, C. D. Yang, C. H. Lien and J. H. Horng, “New delay-dependent non-fragile observer-based control for continuous time-delay systems”, Inform. Sciences., vol. 178, pp. 4699-4706, Dec. 2008. (I.F. 4.038) (NSC 94-2213-E-507-002) (SCI. COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS 6/116 ) Times Cited: 2 2/0

16. P. H. Lei* and C. D. Yang, “650 nm Resonant-cavity light-emitting diodes with dielectric distributed Bragg reflectors”, Solid-State Electron., vol. 52, pp. 227-232, Feb. 2008. (I.F. 1.504) (NSC 93-2215-E-434-001) (SCI. PHYSICS, APPLIED 69/79) Times Cited: 2 2/0

17. P. H. Lei*, C. D. Yang, M. Y. Wu, M. C. Wu, K. Y. Cheng, C. C. Lin and W. J. Ho, “Effects of N-type modulation-doping barriers and a linear graded-composition GaInAsP-intermediate layer on the 1.3 um AlGaInAs/AlGaInAs Strain-compensated-multiple-quantum-well Laser diode”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 623-628, Mar./Apr. 2006. (I.F. 1.464) (NSC 92-2215-E-007-025) ( SCI. PHYSICS, APPLIED 48/108)Times Cited: 0

18. P. H. Lei*, C. D. Yang, M. Y. Wu, C. W. Hu, M. C. Wu, Y. H. Huang and W. J. Ho, “Optimization of active region for 1.3 μm GaInAsP compressive-strain multiple-Quantum-well ridge waveguide laser diode”, J. Electron. Mater., vol. 35, no. 2, pp.243-249, 2006. (I.F. 1.798) (NSC 91-2215-E-007-031) (SCI. PHYSICS, APPLIED 50/108) Times Cited: 0

19. C. D. Yang , P. H. Lei, D. J. Pong, M. Y. Wu, C. L. Ho, W. J. Ho, M. C. Wu*, and K. Y. Cheng, “Edge-Coupled InGaAs P-I-N Photodiode with a Light Funnel Waveguide”, IEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol. 40, no. 11, pp. 1607-1613, Nov. 2004. (I.F. 1.887) ( SCI. PHYSICS, APPLIED 29/108) Times Cited: 2 0/2

20. M. K. Lee*, C. M. Shih, S. Y. Lin, C. D. Yang, and T. H. Shih, “Electrical Properties of Fluorine-Doped Oxynitride Films Prepared by Photoillumination Liquid-Phase Deposition“, J. Electrochem. Soc., vol. 151, no. 12, pp. G829-832, Oct. 2004. (I.F. 3.266)(SCI. MATERIALS SCIENCE, COATINGS & FILMS 1/17) Times Cited: 1 1/0

21. M. Y. Wu, P. H. Lei, C. L. Tsai, C. D. Yang, Y. H. Huang, W. J. Ho and M. C. Wu*, “Growth and characterization of compressive-strain GaInAsP/InP multiple-quantum-well laser diodes with the tensile-strain GaInP quantum barrier”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, vol. 22, pp. 961-965, 2004. (I.F. 1.464) (SCI. PHYSICS, APPLIED 77/246) Times Cited: 3 2/1

22. P. H. Lei, C. D. Yang, Z. B. Wang, C. C. Lin, W. J. Ho and M. C. Wu*, “Effect of InGaAsP intermediate layer in 1.3 μm AlGaInAs strain-compensated multiple quantum well laser diodes”, IEE Proc. -Optoelectron., vol. 150, no. 6, pp. 541-544, Dec. 2003. (I.F. 0.989)( SCI. TELECOMMUNICATIONS 30/77) Times Cited: 1 0/1

23. C. D. Yang , C. L. Ho, M. Y. Wu, J. Y. Hsu, W. J. Ho, and M. C. Wu*, “Investigation of epitaxial lift-off the InGaAs p-i-n photodiodes to the AlAs/GaAs distributed Bragg reflectors“, Solid-State Electron., vol. 47, issue 10, pp. 1763-1767, Oct. 2003. (I.F. 1.504) (SCI. PHYSICS, APPLIED 46/108) Times Cited: 2 2/0

24. M. K. Lee*, C. M. Shih, and C. D. Yang, “Selective and Blanket Liquid Phase Deposition of Silicon Dioxide on Silicon Nitride and Tungsten Silicide”, Semicond. Sci. and Tech., vol. 18, pp. L45-L48, Jul. 2003. (I.F. 2.19)(SCI. ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC 93/246) Times Cited: 2 2/0

25. M. Y. Wu, C. D. Yang, P. H. Lei, M. C. Wu*, and W. J. Ho, “Very low threshold current operation of 1.3-um AlGaInAs/AlGaInAs strain-compensated multiple-quantum-well laser diodes”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 42, pp. L643-L645, Part 2, no. 6B, Jun. 2003. (I.F. 1.127)(SCI. PHYSICS, APPLIED 57/108) Times Cited: 1 0/1

26. M. K. Lee*, C. N. Yang and C. D. Yang, “The improvement of Liquid Phase Deposition of Silicon Dioxide with Hydrochloric Acid Incorporation”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phy. vol.37 (1998) pp. L682-L683(JJAP) Part 2, no. 6A. Jun. 1998. (I.F. 1.127) (SCI. PHYSICS, APPLIED 57/108) Times Cited: 5 0/5

27. M. K. Lee*, C. H. Lin, B. H. Lei and C. D. Yang, “Improvement of Effective Charges in Oxynitride Prepared by Liquid Phase Deposition on Silicon”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phy., vol.37 (1998) pp. L53-54(JJAP) Part 2, no. 1A/B. Jan. 1998. (I.F. 1.127) (SCI. PHYSICS, APPLIED 57/108) Times Cited: 5 1/4

BooK Chapter 國際專書章節論文

1. C.-D. Yang , F.-J. Lin, C.-H. Chou, Y.-C. Kung, C.-L. Huang, M.-Y. Yeh, J.-K. Wu, H.-Y. Jenq, J. D. Chen, C.-Y. Lee, C.-H. Chen, and S.-H. Chang, 〈Chapter 26 Colorful Flashing LED Night Pearls for Marine Application〉, Advanced Materials – Studies and Applications (ISBN: 978-1-63463-749-7), Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp. 453-474, 2015.

2. M.-Y. Yeh, Y.-C. Lee, K.-F. Hsu, C.-D. Yang, C.-L. Huang, P.-H. Lei and S.-H. Chang, 〈Chapter 2 Hydrothermal Preparation of NaTaO3 Photocatalyst Materials〉, Advanced Materials – studies and Applications (ISBN: 978-1-63463 -749-7), Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp. 29-37, 2015.

3. M.-Y. Yeh, Y.-J. Liao, D.-S. Wuu, C.-L. Huang, andC.-D. Yang, 〈Chapter 5 Electro-Deposition Cu 2ZnSnS4 Solar Cell Materials on Mo/SLG Substrates〉, Advanced Materials Physics, Mechanics and Applications (ISBN: 978-3-319-03748-6), Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, vol. 152, pp. 45– 53, 2014.

4. A. N. Soloviev, P. A. Oganesyan, T. G. Lupeiko, E. V. Kirillova, S.-H. Chang and C.-D. Yang (2014), 〈Chapter 46 Modeling of Non uniform Polarization for Multi-layered Piezoelectric Transducer for Energy Harvesting Devices〉, Advanced Materials- Physics, Mechanics and Applications (ISBN: 978-3-319-03748-6), Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, vol. 152, pp. 652-658, 2014.

5. C.-H. Lien*, J.-D. Chen, K.-W. Yu, C.-T. Lee, R.-S. Chen, C.-D. Yang, “Robust Exponential Stability of Uncertain Discrete-Time Systems with Interval Time-Varying Delay”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (ISBN: 1876-1119(electronic)), Springer Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London, vol. 293, pp. 461-468, Mar. 2014. (EI) ( MOST 101-2221-E-022-009)

6. S.-H. Chang, C.-C. Yang, J.-K. Wu, Ivan A. Parinov, C.-F. Lin, Ian Y.-y. Bu, C.-D. Yang, M. S. Shevtsova, and Jenny C.-Y. Lee, ”Finite-element Based Comparative Investigation of Sandwich Design and Membrane-type PZT Hydrophones with Perforated Damping Back-Plate for Underwater Applications”, 2011 Annual Research Report of National Kaohsiung Marine University, p.26 , November, 2011.

國際研討會期刊 :

International Conference Papers

1. C.-D. Yang*, C.-C. Chen, M.-Y. Yeh, C.-F. Yen, C.-Y. Lee, ”The Improvement of Transmission Distance and Bandwidth in Wireless Network through Wireless Distribution System”, 2018 International Symposium on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications (PHENMA 2018), Busan, Korea, pp. 105 (Aug. 9-11, 2018).

2. C.-F. Yen, C.-Y. Lee, M.-Y. Yeh, K.-K. Chong, C.-D. Yang, R.-J. Hong, S.-H. Li, “The Study of Hafnium Dioxide on Si by Non-vacuum Deposition Process”, 2018 International Symposium on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications (PHENMA 2018), Busan, Korea, pp. 98 (Aug. 9-11, 2018)

3. G. Ya, Karapetyan, V. G. Dneprovski, I. A. Parinov, G. Parchi, M.-Y. Yeh, C.-D Yang, “Study of the MDSM Structure without Barrier Layers in the Mode of Charging – Discharging of the Gate Capacitor”, 2018 International Symposium on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications (PHENMA 2018), Busan, Korea, pp. 184 (Aug. 9-11, 2018).

4. M.-Y. Yeh, C.-C.Yeh, T.-H. Yu, C.-F. Yen, C.-D. Yang. Jenny C.-Y. Lee, S.-H. Chang, ”An Environment Monitored System Using an Unmanned Self-propelled Vehicles”, 2018 International Symposium on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications (PHENMA 2018), Busan, Korea, pp. 244 (Aug. 9-11, 2018)

5. C. D. Yang*, C. H. Chou, Y. C. Kung, C. L. Huang, M. Y. Yeh, J. K. Wu, H. Y. Jenq, J. D. Chen, C. Y. Lee, C. H. Chen, S. H. Chang, “Colorful Flashing LED Night Pearls for Marine application”, 2014 International Symposium on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Underwater Applications (PHENMA 2014), Khon Kaen, Thailand, pp.29-30 (March 27-29, 2014).

6. C. D. Yang, P. H. Lei, M. C. Wu*, ”Study of Polystyrene-Sphere Colloidal Crystal and Inverted Structures”, 2014 International Symposium on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Underwater Applications (PHENMA 2014), Khon Kaen, Thailand, pp.30 -31 (March 27-29, 2014).

7. C. D. Yang*, Y. C. Kung, Z. S. Chen, C. L. Yu, C. H. Chou, C. L. Huang, M. Y. Yeh, C. M. Huang, S. J. Cheng, Z. W. Pei, P. H. Lei, M. C. Wu, “The study of polystyrene Nanospheres on InP/InGaAs/InP PIN Photodiode Prepared by Drop-Coating Method”, 2014 International Symposium on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Underwater Applications (PHENMA 2014), Khon Kaen, Thailand, pp.31-32 (March 27-29, 2014).

8. M. Y. Yeh*, Y. C. Lee, K. F. Hsu, C. D. Yang, C. L. Huang, P. H. Lei, S. H. Chang, “Hydrothermal Preparation of NaTaO3 Photocatalyst Materials”, 2014 International Symposium on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Underwater Applications (PHENMA 2014), Khon Kaen, Thailand, pp.58-59 (March 27-29, 2014).

9. P.-H. Lei*, C. M. Hsu, Y. S. Fan, C. H. Cheng, I. J. Chen, Y. H. Yang, M. Y. Yeh, C.-D. Yang, ”Nitrogen-Doped p-Type ZnO Thin Film Grown by Dual- Plasma-Enhanced Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition System”, 2014 International Symposium on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Underwater Applications (PHENMA 2014), Khon Kaen, Thailand, pp.68-69 (March 27-29, 2014).

10. M. Y. Yeh, Y. J. Liao, Y. C. Lee, C. L. Huang, C. D. Yang, C. H. Chen, “Preparation of CZTS solar cell materials”, ASSRUE 2013 International Conference (Assuring Sustainability via University with Research), 5/16/2013-5/18/2013, Songkhla, Thailand, pp.4.

11. C. D. Yang*, M. Y. Yeh, C. L. Huang, Y. H. Su, P. H. Lei, C. Y. Lee, S. H. Chang and J. D. Chen, “Photonics Locks Structure with the Characteristics of Pluse Width Modulation”, 2013 International Symposium on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Underwater Applications (PHENMA 2013), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp.73 (June 5-8, 2013)

12. C. L. Huang*, K. S. Chien, K. T. Lu, M. Y. Yeh, C. D. Yang, “Low-Power Wide-Bandwidth CMOS Folded Cascode OTA for ΣΔ ADC Applications”, 2013 International Symposium on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Underwater Applications (PHENMA2013), 6/5/2013-6/8/2013, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp.114.

13. S. H. Chang, I. A. Parinov, K. C. Hou, R. J. Syu, C. C. Yang, Ian Y. Y. Bu, C. D. Yang, Jenny C. Y. Lee, and J. K. Wu, (2013), Measurements for the Fabrication of the Hydrophone Application on Piezoelectric Film,2013 International Symposium on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Underwater Applications (PHENMA2013), 6/5/2013-6/8/2013, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp.172。

14. M. Y. Yeh*, Y. F. Huang, D. S. Wuu, C. L. Huang, C. D. Yang, P. H. Lei, “Metal Chloride Precursor Synthesization of Cu2ZnSnS4 Solar Cell Materials”, The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE 2013), 11/12/2013-11/15/2013, Jeju, South Korea, pp.14.

15. C. D. Yang*, C. N. Chen and P. H. Lei, “The Responsivity Improvement of Waveguide Photodetector with InP Crystallographic Slope and Tapered SiOx Facet Integration”, The 15th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, Sapporo, Japan, Oral, 9E4-3, pp. 888-889. (Jul. 2010) (EI) (NSC 96-2221-E-022- 007).

16. C. D. Yang*, P. H. Lei, C. H. Chien, C. Y. Huang, C. M. Wang, L. J. Xia, Y. C. Huang, J. C. Huang, Y. H. Huang, M. C. Wu, Y. H. Wang,” Design and Simulation for Low Bias Operation of Novel Waveguide Photodiodes with High Efficiency-Bandwidth Product”, International Conference on Optics and Photonics 2008, Taipei, Taiwan, P2-072 (Dec. 2008) (NSC 96-2221-E-022 -007)

17. C. D. Yang*, P. H. Lei, F. M. Lee, M. C. Wu, J. C. Huang, S. R. Jeng, M. Y. Yeh, and C. C. Yang, “Waveguide Photodiode with Approach Zero Bias Characteristics“, International Electron Devices and Materials Symposia 2006, Tainan, Taiwan, PA061 (Dec. 2006)

18. P. H. Lei*, C. D. Yang, and M. Y. Yeh, ”1.3 μm GaInAsP/GaInP/GaInAsP Multiple-quantum-well Laser Diodes”, International Electron Devices and Materials Symposia 2006, Tainan, Taiwan, PC061 (Dec. 2006)

19. P. H. Lei*, C. D. Yang, and M. Y. Yeh, and J. C. Huang, ”870 nm AlGaAs-based Vertical-Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers with SiO2/SiNx Dielectric Distribution Bragg Reflector”, International Electron Devices and Materials Symposia 2006, Tainan, Taiwan, PC060 (Dec. 2006)

20. M. Y. Yeh*, C. C. Lee, C. C. Yang, C. D. Yang, P. H. Lei, and Y. S. Chang, ”The optical properties of AlN Films by RF Reactive Magnetron Sputtering”, International Electron Devices and Materials Symposia 2006, Tainan, Taiwan, PA75 (Dec. 2006)

21. M. K. Lee*, C. D. Yang, B. H. Lei, J. M. Shyr, “ Characterization of LPD-SiON thin films”, 10th International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD 99), New Delhi, India, Dec. 14-18, 1999; Book Series: Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), vol. 3975, pp. 860-862, 2000.


National Technical Journal

1. Sergey Shevtsov, Aarkady Solovyev, M. S. Shevtsova, S.-H. Chang, Ivan A Parinov*, J.- K. Wu, C.-D. Yang, Ian Y.-Y. Bu, C.-F. Lin, Jenny C.-Y. Lee, and C.-C. Yang, “Finite-Element Based Comparative Investigation of Sandwich Design and Membrance-Type PZT Hydrophones with Perforated damping back-Plate for Underwater Applications”, Annual Report of National Kaohsiung Marine University, 2012, vol.1 no.1, pp.33-33.

2. 楊奇達* 、雷伯薰、王琮民、夏琳傑、龔育程、林佳德,” InP化學蝕刻與指狀透明金屬電極對正面耦光型光檢測器的效應” 真空科技,Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 13-21, 2010. (TSCI) (NSC97-2221-E-022-003-)

3. 楊奇達* 、陳彥宏、蔡旻軒、龔育呈、童明駿、黃秋萍、張順雄、吳景凱、鄭火元,” 應用於沿岸漁業之低耗電全彩式LED電子燈具”, 電信研究雙月刊,第39卷,第四期,431-452頁、Aug. 2009 (教育部98E-07-055)

國內研討會期刊 :

1. 楊奇達、陳俊中,”以WDS(Wireless Distribution System)無線網路傳輸方式作監控系統之研究”,2018第十六屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會(2018 CMETA ISBN9789860557473),高雄,台灣,pp. 93-94 (May 2018).

2. 楊奇達 、鄭營耀,”紅外線計數器控制無塵室空調系統風扇過濾組變速之研究”,2018第十六屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會(2018 CMETA ISBN9789860557473),高雄,台灣,pp. 115-116 (May 2018).

3. 楊奇達、許曾國瑋、林伯儒、張竣翔、劉至庭、王鼎元、張軒誌,”Intelligent Identification of Mixed Photonic Lock structure”,2017第十二屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>ISBN:9789860543933,pp. 26 (Dec.2017).

4. 葉旻彥、陳重憲、江冠霆、吳穎凱、楊奇達 "以電紡絲技術探討製備二氧化鈦(TiO2)奈米絲",2017第十五屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會(2017 CMETA ISBN9789860523287),高雄,台灣,pp.51-52 (May 2017).

5. 楊奇達、李致頤、羅晉德、王美臻、蕭明原、魏上又、龔泉翰、王梓睿,”Multivariable automated photoelectric platform”,2016第十一屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>ISBN:9789860505801,pp. 3 (Dec. 2016).

6. 楊奇達 、謝昀劭、鄭宇傑、葉旻彥、莊國強、顏志峰、李致頤、張順雄、陳正德,"以銀化合物擴散氧化鋅透明導電膜特性之研究",2016第十四屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會(2016 CMETAISBN 9789860485301),高雄,台灣,pp. 27-28 (May 2016).

7. 葉旻彥、李韋儒、許焜富、吳穎凱、李俊宏、楊奇達 、黃成樑、莊國強,”利用水熱合成法製備鉭酸鈉(NaTaO3)光觸媒材料探討甲基藍降解性能”,2016第十四屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會(2016 CMETAISBN 9789860485301),高雄,台灣,pp. 29-30 (May 2016).

8. 葉旻彥、詹家甄、林郁晨、李韋儒、武東星、楊奇達 、黃成樑、莊國強"以溶膠凝膠法製備CZTS太陽能電池",2016第十四屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會(2016 CMETA ISBN9789860485301),高雄,台灣,pp. 35-36 (May 2016).

9. 葉旻彥、許政文、林郁晨、江冠霆、楊奇達 、黃成樑、莊國強"以電鍍法沉積鋅(Zn)與二氧化鈦(TiO2)薄膜",2016第十四屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會(2016 CMETAISBN 9789860485301),高雄,台灣,pp. 37-38 (May 2016).

10. 葉旻彥、李忠諭、李韋儒、吳穎凱、楊奇達 、黃成樑、莊國強"合成溫度對偏矽酸鈣螢光粉影響之探討",2016第十四屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會(2016 CMETA ISBN9789860485301),高雄,台灣,pp. 39-40 (May 2016).

11. 葉旻彥、林郁晨、江冠霆、楊奇達 、武東星、黃成樑、莊國強、詹家甄"以銅鋅錫靶材濺鍍製備Cu2ZnSnS4薄膜太陽能吸收層",2016第十四屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會(2016 CMETAISBN 9789860485301),高雄,台灣,pp.45-46 (May 2016).

12. 葉旻彥、張惟傑、楊奇達、黃成樑、莊國強"植球(BUMP)應用於銅打線(Wire Bond)製程之探討",2016第十四屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會(2016 CMETA ISBN9789860485301),高雄,台灣,pp.61-62 (May 2016).

13. 楊奇達 、黃暐鈞、蔡青祐、洪國修、許嗣晧、白又瑋、蔡智順、黃界安、蘇倉慶、廖律維,”Photoelectric Lock Structure”,2015第十屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>ISBN:9789860468489,pp. 6 (Dec. 2015).

14. 楊奇達、李致頤、王子星、陳懷德,”LED Cube”,2015第十屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>ISBN:9789860468489,pp. 10 (Dec. 2015).

15. 葉旻彥、陳博群、林郁晨、張順雄、李致頤、楊奇達、黃成樑、陳榮斌,” 以溶膠凝膠(sol-gel)法製備TiO2 材料並應用靜電紡絲製備奈米線結構的光觸媒材料”,2015第十三屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會(2015 CMETA ISBN9789860447651),高雄,台灣,pp. 165-169 (May 2015).

16. 葉旻彥、陳昱庭、陳冠沅、黃成樑、楊奇達、張順雄、武東星,”以印刷塗佈技術合成CZTS(Cu2ZnSnS4)薄膜特性探討”,2015第十三屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會(2015 CMETAISBN 9789860447651),高雄,台灣, pp. 170-175 (May 2015).

17. 葉旻彥、鄭惠澤、陳冠沅、楊奇達 、黃成樑、張順雄,”以電紡絲法製備二氧化鈦奈米纖維之降解效率研究”, 2015第十三屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會(2015 CMETAISBN 9789860447651),高雄,台灣,pp. 176-181(May 2015).

18. 葉旻彥、李秀月、許焜富、楊奇達 、黃成樑、張順雄,”以水熱法製備奈米二氧化鈦(TiO2)粉末之研究”,2015第十三屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會(2015 CMETAISBN 9789860447651),高雄,台灣,pp. 199-204(May 2015).

19. 葉旻彥、黃文駿、陳泓志、許焜富、黃成樑、楊奇達 、李致頤、陳榮斌、張順雄,”偏矽酸鈣螢光粉摻雜硝酸鈰特性之探討”,2015第十三屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會(2015 CMETA ISBN9789860447651),高雄,台灣,pp. 227-233 (May 2015).

20. 葉旻彥、黃藝鵬、林政毅、李宗霖、李韋儒、李致頤、黃成樑、陳榮斌、楊奇達 、張順雄,”步步安心”,2015第十三屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會(2015 CMETA ISBN9789860447651),高雄,台灣,pp. 294-299 (May 2015).

21. 葉旻彥、潘美妗、廖俊翔、陳淑娟、李致頤、黃成樑、陳榮斌、楊奇達 、張順雄,”煮婦好幫手”,2015第十三屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會(2015 CMETA ISBN9789860447651),高雄,台灣,pp. 306-316 (May 2015).

22. 楊奇達、楊耀文、吳念祐、葉旭嘉、蔣震獄、史仕欽、陳冠丞,”Plant Lamp”,2014第九屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>ISBN:9789860433852,pp. 6 (Dec. 2014).

23. 楊奇達、林冠宇、高崇育、葉彥良、林子妤、劉晉宏,”Robotic Arm”,2014第九屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>ISBN:9789860433852,pp. 9 (Dec. 2014).

24. 楊奇達、藍文遠、陳炫燁、江冠霆、詹原毓、林建誠,”Laser Interrupted Automatic Timer Application for International Student`s Conteston Handmade Ship Models”,2014第九屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>ISBN:9789860433852,pp. 18 (Dec. 2014).

25. 葉旻彥、王舜洽、楊奇達 、黃成樑、李致頤、陳榮斌、鄭惠澤,”以電紡絲法製備二氧化鈦奈米纖維膜之研究”, 2014 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2014 CMETA ISBN 9789860410341) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp.21-22; Electronic full-article, pp. 46-50 (May 2014).

26. 葉旻彥、許焜富、劉穎翰、陳榮斌、李致頤、楊奇達、黃成樑,”以微波法合成鉭酸鈉(NaTaO 3)光觸媒粉末”, 2014 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2014 CMETA ISBN 9789860410341) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 27-28; Electronic full-article, pp. 62-65 (May 2014).

27. 葉旻彥、陳冠沅、詹皓傑、張勛翔、楊奇達 、黃成樑、陳榮斌、李致頤,”以直流式(DC)濺鍍法沉積氧化鋅鋁(AZO)透明導電膜特性之研究”, 2014 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2014 CMETA ISBN 9789860410341) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 35-36; Electronic full-article, pp. 81-84 (May 2014).

28. 葉旻彥、許焜富、顏兆廷、李宗彥、薛凱文、黃成樑、楊奇達 、李致頤、陳榮斌,”偏矽酸鈣-摻雜鈰以微波法合成之螢光粉材料之探討” 2014 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2014 CMETA ISBN 9789860410341) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 39-40; Electronic full-article, pp. 89-92 (May 2014).

29. 黃成樑、陳麒元、林建豪、蔡ㄧ傑、呂冠廷、葉旻彥、楊奇達, “P型與N型全差動雙輸入/輸出放大器應用於一階調變器之比較”, 2014 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2014 CMETA ISBN 9789860410341) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 73-74; Electronic full-article, pp. 199-204 (May 2014).

30. 葉旻彥、陳淑娟、李致頤、黃成樑、陳榮斌、楊奇達 、潘美妗、廖俊翔,”以智慧型手機應用藍芽技術建立監護身體指數系統” , 2014 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2014 CMETA ISBN 9789860410341) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 75-76; Electronic full-article, pp. 205-210 (May 2014).

31. 黃成樑、郭智堯、呂冠廷、沈佑駿、葉旻彥、楊奇達,”低壓降線性穩壓器設計” , 2014 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2014 CMETA ISBN 9789860410341) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 77-78; Electronic full-article, pp. 211-214 (May 2014).

32. 楊奇達、余佳倫、董育彤,”The Measurement of Photodetectors Array with Wide Spectral Response”,2013第八屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>ISBN:9789860396874,pp. 7 (Dec. 2013).

33. 楊奇達、謝昀劭、藍子鈞、魏鈺龍、吳鎮宇,”The Conductivity improvement of ZnO Film by Ag Compounds Diffusion”,2013第八屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>ISBN:9789860396874,pp. 8 (Dec. 2013).

34. C.-D. Yang, S.-C. Wu, C.-L. Huang, M.-Y. Yeh, Z.-D. Chen, S.-H. Chang (2013), ”The Influence of the Particle Size of the Aluminium Paste for Si Solar

Cell”, 2013 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2013 CMETA ISBN 9789860368420) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 17-18; Electronic full-article, pp. 49-55 (May 2013).

35. M.-Y. Yeh, Y.-C. Lee, C.-D. Yang, C.-L. Huang, “Hydrothermal Synthesis of tantalum sodium (NaTaO3) photocatalysis materials”, 2013 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2013 CMETA ISBN 9789860368420) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 91-92; Electronic full-article, pp. 89-91 (May 2013).

36. C.-L. Huang, K.-T. Lu, G.-H. Jian, Y.-J. Tsai, C.-H. Lin, M.-Y. Yeh, C.-D. Yang, “A 1.8V 300MHz CMOS Switched Capacitor OTA for Low-Power ADC Applications”, 2013 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2013 CMETA ISBN 9789860368420) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 101-102; Electronic full-article, pp. 283-286 (May 2013).

37. C.-L. Huang, C.-H. Lin, Y.-J. Tsai, G.-H. Jian, K.-T. Lu, M.-Y. Yeh, C.-D. Yang, ”A Low-Power Wide-Bandwidth Fully Differential in/Differential Out OTA for Sample and Hold Applications”, 2013 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2013 CMETA ISBN 9789860368420) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 103-104; Electronic full-article, pp. 287-290 (May 2013).

38. 楊奇達、周佳祥、李韋儒、顧恩宇、劉佩穎,”Hybrid Measurement System for Solar Cell”,2012第七屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>ISBN:9789860351668,pp. 31 (Dec. 2012).

39. 楊奇達、賈閎凱、王明偉、郝常成、陳志杰,”Hybrid Measurement System for Light Emitting Diode”,2012第七屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>ISBN:9789860351668,pp. 32 (Dec. 2012).

40. 楊奇達、林峰正、鄭永泉、廖嘉宏、陳穎芝,”Hybrid Measurement System for Photodiode”,2012第七屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>ISBN:9789860351668,pp. 33 (Dec. 2012).

41. C. D. Yang*, Y. C. Kung, Z. S. Chen, C. L. Yu, P. H. Lei, M. Y. Yeh, C. Y. Lee, S. H. Chang, M. C. Wu, J. C. Huang, Z. D. Chen, “Design of the wide spectral and high-transmission Anti-Reflection Coating for Surface Coupled InGaAs photodiode”, 2012 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2012 CMETA ISBN 9789860326956) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 33-34; Electronic full-article, pp. 87-93 (May 2012).

42. M. Y. Yeh*, S. S. Shie, R. B. Chen. and C. D. Yang, ”Preparation of Zn3N2 thin films by DC magnetron reactive sputtering”, 2012 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2012 CMETA ISBN 9789860326956) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 75-76; Electronic full-article, pp. 207-213 (May 2012).

43. S. H. Chang*, I. A. Parinov, K. C. Hou, R. J. Syu, C. C. Yang, Y. Y. Bu, C. D. Yang, J. K. Wu, J. Y. Lee, “Investigating Properties of the Piezoceramic Composites for Underwater Acoustic Multimedia Communication”, 2012 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2012 CMETA ISBN 9789860326956) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 77-78; Electronic full-article, pp. 214-219 (May 2012).

44. C. W. Chou*, W. J. Chang, C. D. Yang, “New Seven-level Power Converter” , 2012 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2012 CMETA ISBN 9789860326956) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 99-100; Electronic full-article, pp. 270-275 (May 2012).

45. 楊奇達、游迪鈞,”The Study of photonic crystals on InP/InGaAs/InP photodiode prepared by nano-spheres”,2011第六屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>ISBN:9789860309195,pp. 24 (Dec. 2011).

46. 楊奇達、蘇彥瑚、饒皓源、陸韋辰,”Application of Optical Key in the Development of Security Doors”,2011第六屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>ISBN:9789860309195,pp. 28 (Dec. 2011).

47. 楊奇達、呂冠廷、吳韋德,”Synchronous Power Supply & Source Meter”, 2011第六屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>ISBN:9789860309195,pp. 17 (Dec. 2011).

48. 楊奇達、林信价、張元瑜、凌耀鴻,”The analysis of Zn diffusion into InP and its application for the photodiode”, 2011第六屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>ISBN:9789860309195,pp. 27 (Dec. 2011).

49. C. D. Yang*, Z. S. Chen, K. M. Huang, Y. C. Kung, P. H. Lei, M. Y. Yeh, C. C. Yang, C. L. Huang, C. Y. Lee, M. C. Wu, “The Effect of Interval between Nano-Inverse Opal Structures on the Surface-Coupled Photodiode Simulated by Finite Difference Time Domain”, 2011 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2011 CMETA ISBN 9789860277555 ) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 41-42; Electronic full-article, pp. 108-113 (May 2011).

50. C. D. Yang*, K. M. Huang, C. H. Kuo, S. S. Lin, Y. C. Lin, H. M. Jane, J. J. Syu, Z. D. Chen, S. H. Chang, ”The Effect of the Power Ratio between Red and Bule LEDs on Growth Rate of Spirulin”, 2011 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2011 CMETA ISBN 9789860277555 ) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 137-138; Electronic full-article, pp. 384-390 (May 2011).

51. 林川澤、張順雄*、楊奇達、吳晉昌、簡彣玲,”交直流共地之LED照明驅動電路設計” 2011 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2011 CMETA ISBN 9789860277555 ) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 113-114; Electronic full-article, pp. 314-319 (May 2011).

52. M. Y. Yeh*, Y. X. Wang, J. Y. Wang, C. D. Yang, ”Synthesization of CZTS thin film at Different Temperatures”, 2011 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2011 CMETA ISBN 9789860277555 ) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 81-82; Electronic full-article, pp. 219-226 (May 2011).

53. 楊奇達*、余佳倫、游鎮宇,”The Research of Photodiodes Integrated with the Characteristics of GaInAsP Variable Component and Refractive index”,2010第五屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>,pp. 13 (Dec. 2010).

54. 楊奇達*、郭建宏、林炫邵、林耀欽、簡弘明、許嘉洲,”The Effect in Growth Rate of Spirulina as a Function of the Rate Between Red and Blue LEDs”, 2010第五屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>,pp. 12 (Dec. 2010).

55. 楊奇達*、蘇昱詮”,The Study of the Diffusion Furnace Controlled by LabView Program”, 2010第五屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>,pp. 14 (Dec. 2010).

56. C. D. Yang*, Y. C. Kung, G. M. Huang, S. J. Cheng, C. Y. Yu, C. L. Yu., C. M. Wang, L. J. Xia, C. C. Yang, S. H. Chang, M. C. Wu, J. W. Pei, Z. D. Chen, ” The influenced responsivities of nanoshpere-dimensions and nanoshpere-interval on the surface coupled photodiode Responsivity simulated by nearly geometrical optics”, 2010 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2010 CMETA ISBN 9789860231434) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 23-24; Electronic full-article, pp. 63-67 (May 2010).

57. C. D. Yang*, Y. C. Kung, G. M. Huang, S. J. Cheng, C. Y. Yu, C. L. Yu., C. M. Wang, L. J. Xia, C. C. Yang, S. H. Chang, M. C. Wu, J. W. Pei, Z. D. Chen, ” The influenced responsivities of nanorod-materials and nanorod -interval on the surface coupled photodiode Responsivity simulated by nearly geometrical optics”, 2010 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2010 CMETA ISBN 9789860231434) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 21-22; Electronic full-article, pp. 59-62 (May 2010).

58. M. Y. Yeh*, Y. C. Lin, T. Y. Lin, Y. S. Chen, Y. S. Lu, Y. H. Chung, C. D. Yang and C. C. Yang, “Using aluminum nitride as the gate dielectric layer in the manufacture of Zinc oxide transparent transistors”, 2010 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2010 CMETA ISBN 9789860231434) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 27-28; Electronic full-article, pp. 74-77 (May 2010).

59. J. J. Liou, J. J. Ho*, C. H. Lin, W. C. Hsu, D. Z. Dimitrov, S. Y. Tsai, W. Lee, C. D. Yang, Y. T. Cheng, and C. K. Wang, ”Investigation of multi-crystalline silicon solar cell with selective emitter structure by laser opening process”, 2010 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2010 CMETA ISBN 9789860231434) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 43-44; Electronic full-article, pp. 115-122 (May 2010).

60. 楊奇達、謝舒姍、張玉珊,”Applying Chemical Characteristic of InP to Communication Photodetector”, 2009第四屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>,Section (一), pp. 13-25 (Dec. 2009).

61. 楊奇達、李宜成、許仁誌,”Low-Power, High-Brightness Adjustable Set of Light and Colors by Underwater”, 2009第四屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>,Section (三), pp. 1-11 (Dec. 2009).

62. 楊奇達、鄭育岱、高維揚,”Different Dielectric Properties of the MOS Capacitor analysis”, 2009第四屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>,Section (三), pp. 13-25 (Dec. 2009).

63. L. J. Xia, C. D. Yang*, C. M. Wang, Y. C. Kung, J. C. Huang, Y. S. Chang, S. S. Shie, J. C. Huang, Y. H. Huang, S. C. Ko, H. L. Wang, ”Approximate Zero-Biased Required for GRaded INdex Separate Confinement Heterostructure waveguide photodiodes with High Responsivity” , Optics and Photonics Taiwan 2009, Taipei, Taiwan, AO-237 (Dec. 2009) (NSC 96-2221- E-022 -007) (台灣光電科技研討會暨國科會光電學門研究成果發表會).

64. C. D. Yang*, C. M. Wang, Y. C. Kung, Lin-Jie Xia, S. S. Shan, Y. S. Chang, C. C. Yang, M. Y. Yeh, “The geometrical optics Simulaion of Responsivity in Surface Coupled Photodetector with Various InP Crystallograhpic slope” , 2009 Ocean Technology Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 135-139 (Oct. 2009) (NSC 97-2221-E-022-003).

65. C. L. Tsai, C. C. Yang*, Jenny C. Y. Lee, C. D. Yang, and Y. S. Chang, “Application of Titanium Dioxide Compound in Humidity Sensor”, 2009 Ocean Technology Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 152-155 (Oct. 2009).

66. J. Z. Lee, P. C. Chung, Y. S. Chang, S. S. Shan, Y. T. Chen, Y. C. Huang, C. M. Wang, Lin-Jie Xia, Y. C. Kung, J. J. Liou, W. C. Liao, Z. D. Chen, S. C. Ko, H. L. Wang, Y. H. Huang, C. D. Yang*, “Miniaturization line width by Lithography, 2009 Electronic Technology Symposium, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, AP. 45 (Jun. 2009).

67. C. D. Yang*, P. H. Lei, C. H. Chien, L. J. Xia, C. M. Wang, Y. C. Kung, Y. C. Huang, J. C. Huang, M. C. Wu, S. C. Ko, H. L. Wang, Y. H. Huang, Y. H. Wang, “Approximate Zero-Biased Required for GRaded INdex Separate Confinement Heterostructure waveguide photodiode with High Responsivity”, 2009 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2009 CMETA ISBN 9789860182422) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 53-54; Electronic full-article, pp. 148-153 (May 2009) (NSC 96-2221-E-022 -007).

68. C. D. Yang*, Y. H. Chen, M. S. Cai, Y. C. Kung, M. C. Tong, C. M. Wang, R. J. Syu, Z. D. Chen, S. H. Chang, M. Y. Yeh, C. C. Yang, J. K. Wu, H. Y. Jenq, “Fabrication of Underwater Electronic Lamp with Full-Colors Light Emitting Diode for Set-Net Fishery”, 2009 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2009 CMETA ISBN 9789860182422) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 163-164; Electronic full-article, pp. 461-467 (May 2009) (教育部產學合作計畫98E-07-055).

69. C. D. Yang*, Y. C. Kung, C. P. Huang, Y. H. Chen, M. S. Cai1, Y. C. Li, R. J. Syu1, C. M. Wang, Lin-Jie Xia, L. J. X., Z. D. Chen, S. H. Chang, M. Y. Yeh, C. C. Yang, J. K. Wu, H. Y. Jenq, “Analysis and Measurement about Optical Characteristics in Underwater Electronic lamp with Full-Colors Light Emitting Diode Modules” , 2009 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2009 CMETA ISBN 9789860182422) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 59-60; Electronic full-article, pp. 169-174 (May 2009) (教育部產學合作計畫98E-07-055).

70. S. W. Chen, P. H. Chu, C. C. Yang*, Y. C. Wen, C. L. Tsai, C. D. Yang, and M. Y. Yeh, “The Study of Characteristic in Titanium Dioxide Sensing Thin Film” , 2009 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2009 CMETA ISBN 9789860182422) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 95-96; Electronic full-article, pp. 269-272 (May 2009).

71. M. Y. Yeh*, C. W. Chou, M. W. Li, F. S. Chang, Y. T. Lai, C. C. Yang, C. D. Yang, Y. S. Chang, “The Fabrication of An Electronic Pedometer” , 2009 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2009 CMETA ISBN 9789860182422) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 139-140; Electronic full-article, pp. 389-394 (May 2009).

72. 楊奇達、黃翊誠、李溱錙,”Miniaturization Line Width by Lithography”, 2008第三屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>,pp.21-36 (Dec. 2008).

73. 楊奇達、龔育呈、黃秋萍,”The Analysis and Measurement of Full-Color LED under Water Condition”, 2008第三屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>,pp.59-72 (Dec. 2008).

74. 楊奇達、童明駿、陳冠禎、張詠崴,”High Efficiency LED Table Lamp with Voice Control”, 2008第三屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>,pp.93-110 (Dec. 2008).

75. C. D. Yang*, C. H. Chien, J. J. Liou, Y. C Huang, J. C. Huang, M. C. Wu, Y. H. Wang, S. H. Chang, “ The coupling efficiency of photodiode improved by chemical anisotropic etching” , 2008 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2008 CMETA ISBN 9789860140255) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 51-52; Electronic full-article, pp. 145-148 (May 2008) (NSC 97-2221-E-022-003).

76. C. D. Yang*, P. H. Lei, C. H. Chien, C. Y. Huang, J. J. Liou, W. C. Liao, P. C. Chung, M. C. Wu, Y.-H. Wang, J. C. Huang, C. C. Lin, C. C. Y, “ The comparison of two different monolithical monitoring photodetector integrated with 1.3μm GaInAsP compressive-strain MultiQuantum Well (MQW) Laser” , 2008 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2008 CMETA ISBN 9789860140255) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 53-54; Electronic full-article, pp. 149-152 (May 2008) (NSC95-2221-E-022-009).

77. S. B. Zheng, J. J. Liou, C. D. Yang*, P. H. Lei, M. Y. Yeh, Z. D. Chuang, C. N. Chen, M. C. Wu, “The Simulaion of Light Collection in InGaAsP-InGaAs-InP Waveguide Photodetector with Optimal InP Crystallograhpic slope” , 2008 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2008 CMETA ISBN 9789860140255) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 55-56; Electronic full-article, pp.153-155 (May 2008).

78. M. Y. Yen*, G. Y. Zeng, Y. F. Lo, C. C. Lee, H. Y. Su, J. W. Ding, S. Y. Guo, T. W. Chen, C. C. Yang, C. D. Yang, Y. S. Chang, “Study on the characteristics of AlN thin film deposited by reactive RF magnetron sputtering”, 2008 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2008 CMETA ISBN 9789860140255) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 89-90; Electronic full-article, pp.257-260 (May 2008).

79. J. W. Lee, H. Y. Yang, Y. S. Lee, H. R. Syu, C. C. Yang*, K. S. Chen, T. I. Lin, Y. C. Guo, C. S. Xu and C. D. Yang, “The influence of resistance type zinc oxide in humidity sensing” , 2008 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2008 CMETA ISBN 9789860140255) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 103-104; Electronic full-article, pp.295-300 (May 2008).

80. 楊奇達、劉嘉哲、廖韋茜、鐘博丞,” 微影技術探討並於InP、InGaAs、GaAs晶格方向濕蝕刻特性分析暨單石化MPD設計於LD後方與側邊對溫度的影響”, 2007第二屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>,pp.7-24 (Dec. 2007) (NSC 95-2221-E-022-009).

81. 楊奇達、陳彥宏、蔡旻軒,”低耗電高亮度可調變光色之<水下集魚燈具>”, 2007第二屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>,pp.86-96 (Dec. 2007).

82. 楊奇達、鄒昱道、林琮閔,”電漿輔助化學氣相沉積之成膜趨勢”, 2007第二屆國立高雄海洋科技大學微電子工程系<專題成果發表研討會論文集>,pp. 97-104 (Dec. 2007).

83. 楊奇達*, 雷伯薰,簡彰宏,黃俊源,廖韋茜,劉嘉哲,鐘博丞,林嘉堅,王永和, ”單石化整合監控1.3µm GaInAsP 壓應力之量子井結構雷射功率之光檢測器 ”, Optics and Photonics Taiwan 2007, Taichung, Taiwan, AP-128 (NSC 95-2221-E-022-009) (台灣光電科技研討會暨國科會光電學門研究成果發表會).

84. P. H. Lei*, C. D. Yang, S. B. Zheng, M. F. Yeh, T. H. Chiu, and J. D. Chen, ”Growth of SiO2 on InP by Liquid Phase Deposition”, Optics and Photonics Taiwan 2007, Taichung, Taiwan, AP-151(台灣光電科技研討會暨國科會光電學門研究成果發表會).

85. C. D. Yang*, C. N. Chen, C. H. Chien, W. C. Liao, J. J. Liou, P. C. Chung, and Y. H. Wang, ”Improvement of Responsivity with InP Crystallographic Slope for InGaAsP-InGaAs-InP Waveguide Photodetector”, 2007 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2007 CMETA) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 38-39 (May 2007).

86. C. D. Yang*, P. H. Lei, J. D. Chen, M. Y. Yeh, C. C. Yang, J. C. Huang, and M.-C. Wu, ”Design and Simulation of Novel Waveguide Photodiodes with High Efficiency-Bandwidth Product under Low Bias”, 2007 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2007 CMETA) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 42-43 (May 2007) (NSC 96-2221-E-022 -007).

87. M. Y. Yeh*, G. L. Ke, C. C. Yang, C. D. Yang, P. H. Lei, and Y. S. Chang, “The Study on the Characteristics of Four-quadrant Multiplier”, 2007 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2007 CMETA) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 137 (May 2007).

88. M. Y. Yeh*, C. C. Lee, C. M. Wang, G. Y. Zeng, Y. F. Luo, C. C. Yang, C. D. Yang, Y. S. Chang, P. H. Lei, and S. H. Chang, “The Influence of Different Sputtering Powers on The Characteristic of ZnO”, 2007 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2007 CMETA) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 58-59 (May 2007).

89. M. Y. Yeh*, C. C. Lee, C. M. Wang, G. Y. Zeng, Y. F. Luo, C. C. Yang, C. D. Yang, Y. S. Chang, P. H. Lei, and S. H. Chang, “The Influence of Different Process Temperatures on characteristic of AlN”, 2007 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2007 CMETA) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 60-61 (May 2007).

90. M. Y. Yeh*, C. C. Lee, C. M. Wang, G. Y. Zeng, Y. F. Luo, C. C. Yang, C. D. Yang, Y. S. Chang, P. H. Lei, and S. H. Chang, ”The Growth of AZO Thin Films on Glass Substrates by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputtering”, 2007 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2007 CMETA) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 62-63 (May 2007).

91. M. Y. Yeh*, C. C. Lee, C. M Wang, G. Y. Zeng, Y. F. Luo, C. C. Yang, C. D. Yang, Y. S. Chang, P. H. Lei, and S. H. Chang, “The Influence of Different Sputtering Powers on The Photo-electric Characteristic of AZO”, 2007 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2007 CMETA) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 64-65 (May 2007).

92. M. Y. Yeh*, Z. L. Chen, Y. F. Huang, J. H. Lin, Y. N. Lin, J. Z. Wang, C. C. Yang, C. D. Yang, P H. Lei, and Y. S. Chang, “The Application of HMI Multiple Serial Transmission Control System on LED Plant Cultivation”, 2007 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2007 CMETA) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 171-172 (May 2007).

93. C. C. Yang*, X. C. You, S. W. Chang, S. T. Lee, J. W. Lee, H. Y. Yang, Y. S. Lee, H. R. Syu, M. Y. Yeh, C. D. Yang, and Y. S. Chang, ”The Fabrication of Zinc Oxide Sensing Microstructure”, 2007 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2007 CMETA) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 56-57 (May 2007).

94. M. Y. Yeh*, Y. F. Huang, Z. L. Chen, J. H. Lin, Y. N. Lin, C. M. Wang, G. C. Lee, R. T. Lee, C. C. Yang, C. D Yang, Y. S. Chang, and P. H. Lei, ”The Design and Manufacture of Car Rearview Mirror Control System by Using Touchpad”, 2007 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2007 CMETA) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 163-164 (May 2007).

95. C. C. Yang*, J. K. Chang, C. F. Wang, J. C. Yang, S. T. Li, X. C. You, S. W. Zhang, M. Y. Yeh, C. D. Yang, and Y. S. Chang, “The Study of Sensitivity Factor in Biology Humidity Sensor of Electronic Nose”, 2006 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2006 CMETA) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 53-54 (May 2006).

96. M. Y. Yeh*, C. C. Yang, C. D. Yang, P. H. Lei, and Y. S. Chang, “Preparation of AlN Film by RF Reactive Magnetron Sputtering”, 2006 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2006 CMETA) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 8-9 (May 2006).

97. M. Y. Yeh*, C. D. Yang, P. H. Lei, C. C. Yang, and Y. S. Chang, “The Design of Split LCD Display by FPGA Digital Circuit”, 2006 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2006 CMETA) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 152-153 (May 2006).

98. G. L. Wang, K. X. Yao, Z. W. Chang, Y. W. Chang, J. L. Ni, C. C. Yang, M. Y. Yeh, C. D. Yang and Y. S. Chang, “TDDB (Time Dependent Dielectric Breakdown) Measurement System For MOSFET Gate Oxide”, 2006 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2006 CMETA) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 158-159 (May 2006).

99. M. Y. Yeh*, C. C. Lee, Y. H. Lin, Y. L. Yang, Z. L. Chen, C. M. Wang, G. C. Lee, R. T. Lee, G. L. Ke, Y. S. Chang, C. C. Yang, C. D. Yang, and P. H. Lei, “The LED illumination micro control system designed by PWM module”, 2006 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2006 CMETA) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 134-135 (May 2006).

100. C. C. Yang*, C. C. Lin, K. Y. Chen, Y. C. Peng, M. Y. Yeh, Y. S. Chang, and C. D. Yang, “Negative Difference Resistance Structures by Using BiCMOS in Microwave Devices”, 2006 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2006 CMETA) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 43-44 (May 2006).

101. P. H. Lei*, C. D. Yang, M. Y. Yeh, C. C. Lei, and J. C. Huang, ”Comparison of SiO2 passivation and Ion implantation for 650 nm Resonance Cavity Light Emitting Diode”, 2006 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2006 CMETA) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 4-5 (May 2006).

102. C. D. Yang*, P. H. Lei, F. M. Lee, M. C. Wu, C. L. Ho, W. J. Ho, and J. Huang, “A Regrowth-Free Approach to Monolithic Integration InP Crystallographic Slop with Waveguide Photodetectors”, 2005 Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications (2005 CMETA) , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 62 (May 2005).

103. C. D. Yang*, P. H. Lei, F. H. Huang, M. C. Wu, C. L. Ho, W. J. Ho, J. Huang, and Y. J. Chan, ”InGaAsP-InGaAs-InP Waveguide photodetector integrated with light input tapered-SiOx Facet ”, Optics and photonics Taiwan 2004, Jhongli City, Taoyuan, Taiwan, PA-SA1-79 (Dec. 2004) (台灣光電科技研討會暨國科會光電學門研究成果發表會).

104. 雷伯薰*,楊奇達,吳孟奇,林嘉堅,何文章,黃潤杰, ”單模態1.3 微米波長砷化鋁銦鎵多重量子井分佈回授型雷射”, Optics and photonics Taiwan 2004, Jhongli City, Taoyuan, Taiwan, PA-SA1-79 (Dec. 2004) (台灣光電科技研討會暨國科會光電學門研究成果發表會).

105. M. Y. Wu, C. L. Tsai, C. D. Yang, M. C. Wu*, Y. H. Huang, and W. J. Ho, “Enhancement of carrier injection of AlGaInAs/InP SC-MQW LDs using AlGaInAs graded-composition layer”, Electron Devices and Materials Symposium, Keelung, Taiwan, pp. 351-353 (2003).

106. M. Y. Wu, C. L. Tsai, C. D. Yang, M. C. Wu*, Y. H. Huang, and W. J. Ho, “Tensile-strain GaInP/GaInAsP quantum-barrier study on 1.3 μm compressive-strain GaInAsP/GaInAsP multiple quantum-well laser diodes”, Optics and Photonics Taiwan 2003, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 65-67.

107. C. D. Yang, M. Y. Wu, C. L. Ho, M. C. Wu*, W. J. Ho, S. C. Ko, C. J. Lin, and Y. J. Hsu, “Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR) Combined with long-wavelength P-I-N photodetectors by epitaxial lift- off (ELO) technique”, Proceedings of The 2002 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Scicence, Taipei, Taiwan, PR-32, Nov. 2002.

108. C. D. Yang, C. L. Ho, D. J. Pong, M. Y. Wu, W. J. Ho, and M. C. Wu*, “Light-Funnel-Integrated (LIFI) Edge-Coupled InGaAs P-I-N Photodiode”, Electronics Devices and Materials Symposia (EDMS), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 819, 2001.

109. D. J. Pong, C. L. Ho, M. Y. Wu, C. D. Yang, W. J. Ho, and M. C. Wu*, “High-Speed 1.55-μm AlGaInAs Ridge-Waveguide Semiconductor Laser Diode”, Optics and Photonics Taiwan 2001, Chayi, Taiwan, December 2001, pp. 31-33.

110. M. W. Wu, D. J. Pong, C. L. Ho, L. W. Laih, B. R. Wu, M. Y. Wu, C. D. Yang, W. J. Ho, and M. C. Wu*, “The Effect of Rapid Thermal Annealing on Carbon-Doped InP/InGaAs Single Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors”, Electron Devices and Materials Symposium (EDMS), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec. 2001, pp. 147-149.

111. D. J. Pong, C. L. Ho, C. D. Yang, M. Y. Wu*, C. J. Lin, W. J. Ho, and M. C. Wu, “Self-Terminated Oxide Polish (STOP) Technique for the Ridge Laser Diode Fabrication”, Electronics Devices and Materials Symposia (EDMS), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 852, 2001.

112. M. K. Lee*, C. D. Yang, B. H. Lei, and J. M. Shyr, “Oxynitride Films Prepared by Liquid Phase Deposition on Silicon”, The Sixth Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Shinchu, pp.181, 1999.

113. M. K. Lee*, J. M. Shyr, W. C. Chao, and C. D. Yang, “Photoluminescence Charactrization of Nitridation Process of GaN/Sapphire”, Proceedings of The 1998 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science , pp. 9-9, 1998.

114. M. K. Lee*, C. N. Yang, C. H. Lin and C. D. Yang, “The Improvement of Liquid Phase Deposition of Silcon Dioxide with Hydrochloric Acid Incorporation”, Proceedings of The 1997 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Scicence, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. pp102, Nov. 1997.

115. M. K. Lee*, C. N. Yang, C. H. Lin and C. D. Yang, “The Protrusion of Liquid Phase Oxide Deposition on Patterned Silicon Wafer with Silicon Nitride as Mask”, Proceeding of 1997 Electronics Devices and Materials Symposia (EDMS), Taiwan, pp 417-420, 1997.


1. 楊奇達無塵室風車過濾控制系統” (中華民國新型專利第M565779號)

2. 楊奇達“Intelligent identification of mixed photonic lock structure and method thereof”( 美國發明申請號106143954) 申請時間2017/12/29.

3. 楊奇達智慧辨識混光鎖具及使用方法” (中華民國發明申請號CFPA-9349)

4. 楊奇達自動化光電元件量測平台” (中華民國新型專利第M549876號)

5. 楊奇達光鎖具結構及使用方法” (中華民國發明專利第I487829號)

6. 楊奇達多變量光電元件量測裝置” (中華民國新型專利M481411號)

7. 楊奇達藍光感測器以及使用其之藍光檢測裝置” (中華民國新型第M491827號)

8. 楊奇達高速雷射二極體之主動區層結構” ( 中華民國發明第I295121號)

9. 楊奇達“雷射二極體之主動區層結構”(中華民國發明第I292646號)

10. 楊奇達“高功率發光二極體晶片”(中華民國新型第M281297號)

11. 楊奇達“一種在矽化鎢與氮化矽上成長液相沈積二氧化矽之組成”(中華民國發明第I159521號)


2014/5研發多變量光電元件量測裝置」專利,移轉匠星光電儀器企業股份有限公司,為學校爭取34 萬技轉金。


1. 科技部 專題研究計畫,「具智慧辨識、高鑑別率與低耗電功能之人機介面控制艦艇通訊燈號系統(107-2637-E-992-016)」, 主持人,執行期間2018/08---2019/10.

2. 交通部港灣技術研究所 「MOTC-IOOT-107-H2DB004離岸風電區之船舶監控及急難救助」,主持人,執行期間2018/02--- 2018/12.

3. 交通部港灣技術研究所 「行動中繼傳輸技術應用於AIS系統之研發」,主持人,執行期間2017/02/07---2018/01/15.

4. 台灣塑膠股份有限公司 「有害氣體無線監控系統之研製」,協同主持人,執行期間2018/02---2018/11.

5. 教育部 「101年數位學伴線上課業輔導服務計劃」南區伙伴大學共同主持人,執行期間2012/8/29---2014/1/31

6. 財團法人金屬工業研究發展中心 推動「學界協助中小企業科技關懷計畫---以物理光學整合光學零組件以提升廠商競爭力」,主持人,執行期間2012/05---2012/10

7. 聯成航業股份有限公司 委託產學案,具有循序閃滅功能的水下高功率LED集魚燈具之設計主持人,執行期間2010/08---2011/01

8. 國科會 補助國內專家學者出席國際學術會議(補助編號:99-2914-I-022-003-A1),「The 15th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference」,口頭報告,「9E4-3 The Responsivity Improvement of Waveguide Photodetector with InP Crystallographic Slope and Tapered SiOx Facet Integration」主持人,執行期間2010/07/05--- 2010/07/9

9. 教育部 推動技專校院與產業園區產學合作計畫,應用於沿岸漁業之多功能低耗電全彩式LED 電子燈具(98E-07-055)主持人,執行期間 2009/01---2009/12.

10. 國科會 專題研究計畫,「以化學溶液非等向性蝕刻方式改善光檢測器之耦光特性(97-2221-E-022-003-)」,主持人,執行期間2008/08---2009/07.

11. 國科會 專題研究計畫,「低電壓下具有高響應頻寬乘積的新式波導型光檢測器(NSC96-2221-E-022 -007)」, 主持人,執行期間2007/08---2008/07.

12. 國科會 小產學計畫,「應用於光纖暨光電工程之高效率自動化光訊號耦合系統(NSC96-2622-E-022 -002-CC3)」, 主持人,執行期間2007/05---2008/04.

13. 國科會 專題研究計畫,「單石化整合監控1.3μm GaInAsP壓應力之量子井結構雷射功率之光檢測器(NSC95-2221-E-022-009)」, 主持人,執行期間2006/08---2007/07.


1. 104年度發展特色產學平台補助計畫-競爭型補助案-跨領域實務學程暨提升產業實習深耕產學合作(二),執行期間104/01---104/12

2. 103年度發展特色產學平台補助計畫-競爭型補助案-跨領域實務學程暨提升產業實習深耕產學合作(一),執行期間103/01---103/12

3. 103年度發展特色產學平台補助計畫-基本型補助案-以電子槍之新穎性材料建構產業創新研發之環境,執行期間103/01---103/12

4. 100學年度鼓勵教師從事研究經費補助,「寬波段高效率大面積光檢測器之研發」,主持人 ,執行期間100/11---101/07

5. 99學年度鼓勵教師從事研究經費補助,「以奈米球與奈米孔洞所製成光子晶體應用於InP/InGaAs/InP 光纖通訊用光檢測器之研究」, 主持人,執行期間99/11---100/07

6. 99年度重點發展領域教學設備整合、提昇計畫,「半導體製造暨晶片系統設計教學系統建置」主持人 ,執行期間99/02---99/12

7. 98學年度鼓勵教師從事研究經費補助,「以化學溶液非等向性蝕刻方式改善波導式光檢測器之耦光特性」, 主持人,執行期間98/11---99/07

8. 95年度重點發展領域教學設備整合、提昇計畫,「半導體技術中心教學實驗計畫(95-D-16)」,主持人 ,執行期間95/02---95/12


1. 2018全國技專校院學生實務專題製作競賽 電機組競賽第三名 。參賽學生:劉至庭、王鼎元、張軒誌、張竣翔、林伯儒、許曾國瑋。題目:智慧辨識混光鎖具。

2. 2017/09/28-30「台北國際發明暨技術交易展」於「競賽區」獲銀牌, 參賽學生:王梓睿、蕭名原、羅晉德、魏上又、劉佩穎。成品:多變量自動光電量測平台。

3. 2017/09/28-30「台北國際發明暨技術交易展」為教育部館參展代表。參賽學生:劉至庭、王鼎元、張軒誌、張竣翔、林伯儒、許曾國瑋。 成品:智慧辨識混光鎖具。

4. 201631屆美國匹茲堡發明展(Invention & New Product Exposition, INPEX 6/7-9 2016 銀牌 。參賽學生:謝昀劭、林峰正。成品:光觸發之鑰匙與鎖具。

5. 2015年第十一屆韓國首爾國際發明展(Seoul International Invention Fair 201511/26-29 2015 最高榮譽發明大賞特首獎(Grand Prize), 11/29自由時報頭版 。參賽學生:林峰正、黃暐鈞、蔡青祐、洪國修、許嗣晧、白又瑋、蔡智順、黃界安、蘇倉慶、廖律維。題目:以光為傳輸媒介之電子鎖具( Photoelectric Lock Structure

6. 2015「台北國際發明暨技術交易展」唯一「教育部館」記者會宣傳作品。 參賽學生:林峰正、黃暐鈞、蔡青祐、洪國修、許嗣晧、白又瑋、蔡智順、黃界安、蘇倉慶、廖律維。題目:以光為傳輸媒介之電子鎖具( Photoelectric Lock Structure

7. 2014全國技專校院學生實務專題製作競賽 生技醫農群組競賽第一名 。參賽學生:林建程、許嗣晧。題目:研發海上定置網監測系統。

8. 2014 102學年度海洋工程學院實務專題競賽甲等。參賽學生:吳韋德、呂冠廷 。題目:同步電壓電流供應及檢測儀。

9. 2012 100學年度海洋工程學院實務專題競賽佳作。參賽學生: 蘇彥瑚、饒皓源、陸韋辰。題目:光鑰匙。

10. 2010 98學年度海洋工程學院實務專題競賽 。參賽學生:李宜成、許仁誌 。題目:低耗電高亮度可調變閃爍多組光色之<水下集魚燈具二>。

11. 2010 98學年度海洋工程學院實務專題競賽 。參賽學生:謝舒姍、張玉珊。題目:利用InP化學蝕刻特性應用於通訊光檢測器。

12. 2007南區技專校院師生產學合作實務專題製作競賽---海洋領域:亞軍。參賽學生:陳彥宏、蔡旻軒。題目: 低耗電高亮度可調變光色之<水下集魚燈具>.

13. 2004臺灣區國民中學以上學校電腦化運動競技大賽---機器人相撲組: 第三名。參賽學生:黃致瑋.


1. 楊奇達 、謝昀紹、藍子鈞、魏鈺龍、吳鎮宇,”The Conductivity improvement of ZnO Film by Ag Compounds Diffusion”

2. 楊奇達 、周佳祥、李韋儒、顧恩宇、劉佩穎,”複合式太陽能電池量測系統”, (2012).

3. 楊奇達 、賈閎凱、王明偉、郝常成、陳志杰,”複合式發光二極體量測系統”,(2012).

4. 楊奇達 、林峰正、鄭永泉、廖嘉宏、陳穎芝,” 複合式光檢測器量測系統”,(2012).

5. 楊奇達 、林信价、張元瑜、凌耀鴻,”鋅擴散於磷化銦並應用於光檢測器元件之特性分析”,2011。

6. 楊奇達 、呂冠廷、吳韋德,”同步電壓電流供應及檢測儀”,2011。

7. 楊奇達 、游迪鈞,”以奈米球所製成之光子晶體應用於InP/InGaAs/InP 光纖通訊用光檢測器之研究”,2011。

8. 楊奇達 、蘇彥瑚、饒浩源、陸偉辰,”應用光鑰匙於防盜門之開發”,2011。

9. 楊奇達 、郭建弘、林耀欽、林炫劭、簡弘明、許嘉洲,”紅藍色LED 的比例對螺旋藻成長速度的影響”,2010。

10. 楊奇達 、余佳倫、游鎮宇,”InGaAsP 可調變組成及折射率特性應用於光檢測器之研究”,2010。

11. 楊奇達 、蘇昱詮,” LabView 控制高溫擴散爐之研究,2010。

12. 楊奇達 、張玉珊、謝舒姍,”利用InP 化學特性應用於光檢測器”,2009。

13. 楊奇達 、李宜成、許仁誌,”低耗電高亮度可調變閃爍多組光色之< 水下集魚燈具二>”,2009。

14. 楊奇達 、鄭育岱、高維暘,”不同介電層的MOS 電容特性分析”,2009。

15. 楊奇達 、黃翊誠、李溱錙,”微影線寬縮小化”,2008.

16. 楊奇達 、龔育呈、黃秋萍,”全彩水下LED 燈具照明之量測分析”,2008.

17. 楊奇達 、童明駿、陳冠禎、張詠崴,”節能聲控多段LED 檯燈”,2008.

18. 楊奇達劉嘉哲、廖韋茜、鐘博丞,”微影技術探討並於InPInGaAsGaAs晶格方向濕蝕刻特性分析暨單石化MPD設計於 LD後方與側邊對溫度的影響”,2007.

19. 楊奇達 、鄒昱道、林琮閔、鄭价呈,”電漿促進化學氣相沉積系統之基板溫度與氣體流量對薄膜特性的影響”,2007.

20. 楊奇達 、李元智、李鴻欽,”光電半導體材料自動化量測技術之應用( )”, 2007.

21. 楊奇達 、陳彥宏、蔡旻軒,”低耗電高亮度可調變光色之<水下集魚燈具>”, 2007.

22. 楊奇達 、鄭碩仁、黃詣凱、蔡育倫、蔡錦榮、張子文,”光電半導體材料自動化量測技術之應用()暨共振腔型發光二極體(RCLED)和波導型光偵測器(WGPD) 特性研究”,2006。






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群光電能 power 測試工程師












SONY 高雄旗艦店維修工程師

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1. 楊奇達, 2012/10 以物理光學整合光學零組件以提升廠商競爭力 財團法人金屬工業研究發展中心推動「學界協助中小企業科技關懷計畫」成果報告。

2. 楊奇達, 2012/07 寬波段高效率大面積光檢測器之研發 鼓勵教師從事研究經費補助計畫成果報告。國立高雄海洋科技大學。

3. 楊奇達, 2011/07 以奈米球與奈米孔洞所製成光子晶體應用於 InP/InGaAs/InP 光纖 通訊用光檢測器之研究 鼓勵教師從事研究經費補助計畫成果報告。國立高雄海洋科技大學。

4. 楊奇達, 2011/01 具有循序閃滅功能的水下高功率 LED 集魚燈具之設計 ,聯成航業股份有限公司 委託產學案計畫成果報告。

5. 楊奇達, 2010/07 以化學溶液非等向性蝕刻方式改善波導式光檢測器之耦光特性 鼓勵教師從事研究經費補助計畫成果報告。國立高雄海洋科技大學。

6. 楊奇達, 2010/02 應用 於沿岸漁業之多功能低耗電全彩式 LED 電子燈具 ”,教育部推動技專校院與產業園區產學合作計畫成果報告。教育部 計劃編號:98E-07-055

7. 楊奇達, 2009/10 ,“ 以化學溶液非等向性蝕刻方式改善光檢測器之耦光特性 ”,國科會專題研究計畫成果報告。國科會計劃編號:NSC 97-2221-E-022 -003

8. 楊奇達, 2008/10 ,“ 低電壓下具有高響應頻寬乘積的新式波導型光檢測器 ”,國科會專題研究計畫成果報告。國科會計劃編號:NSC96-2221-E-022 -007

9. 楊奇達, 2008/07 ,“ 應用於光纖暨光電工程之高效率自動化光訊號耦合系統 ”,國科會小產學計畫成果報告。國科會計劃編號:NSC96-2622-E-022 -002-CC3

10. 楊奇達, 2007/10 ,“ 單石化整合監控 1.3 μ m GaInAsP 壓應力之量子井結構雷射功率之光檢測器 ”,國科會專題研究計畫成果報告。國科會計劃編號:(NSC95-2221-E-022-009)


1. 吳忠義、康智傑與楊奇達譯著,物理光學 ,滄海書局,Nov. 2009,ISBN:978-986-6507-28-1

2. 黃俊達、陳金嘉、楊奇達、楊國輝與雷伯薰譯著, 光電半導體元件,高立出版社,Jan. 2006,ISBN:9861542744

3. Chyi-Da Yang, “High Bandwidth with High Efficiency InGaAs P-I-N Photodiodes for Optical Fiber Communications”, Department of Electronics Engineering from National Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in June, 2004.

4. 黃俊達,陳金嘉,楊奇達與雷伯薰譯著, 光電子與光電子學 ,全威出版社,(2003,09),譯自“Optoelectronics and Photonics---Principles and Practices”,S. O. Kasap (2001)

5. Chi-Da Yang, “The characteristics of silicon oxynitride prepared by liquid phase deposition“, Electrical Engineering, National Sun-Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan in June, 1998.

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